G2C Bhutan Apps Apps

Bhutan Road Safety App 0.0.10
Are you are facing trouble while traveling dueto constant road blockage or maintenance? Do you have troublerenewing your vehicle documents? Road Safety app is here to solveyour problem! The Road Safety Apps is easy to access, providestimely and credible information on the state of national highwaysand border road closure. Just update the details of your vehicleand you will get the alerts for the vehicle renewal dates.Key Features:- Receive information on road block, accident, road maintenance andborder road closure- View contact details of emission test center.“In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery” G2C Office, RoyalGovernment of Bhutan
Druk Namshay 0.0.4
Department of Hydromet Services is thenational center for weather, climate and water resources in Bhutan.Its mandates are:- To establish and operate national hydro-meteorological networkfor data collection including setting up of flood/GLOF EWS.- To provide reliable and timely hydro-meteorologicalinformation needed by various agenciesThis app can provide user with precise Bhutanese weatherinformation from DHMS and also inform user on flood alerts ifsubscribed.This app was developed by G2C Office under the Prime MinistersOffice of Bhutan in collaboration with Department of HydrometServices, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”.Department of Hydro Met ServicesMinistry of Economic AffairsThimphu, BhutanPhone: +975-2-325151www.hydromet.gov.bt
Quit Addiction 0.0.9
This app is for user to familiarize themselveswith narcotics rules, do self assessment to see if one is addict,get counseling and tips.The Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA) was established in2006 following the enactment of the Narcotic Drugs PsychotropicSubstances and Substance Abuse Act in 2005. It functions as thesecretariat to the Narcotic Control Board and is the nodal agencyof the Government for all matters related to narcotics drugs,psychotropic substances and substance abuse.This app was developed by G2C Office under the Prime MinistersOffice of Bhutan in collaboration with Bhutan Narcotics ControlAgency, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”.Bhutan Narcotics Control AuthorityThimphu : BhutanTelephone +975-2-335-371www.bnca.gov.bt
POL Depo App 0.0.3
This app is for depo to check coupon and provide to LPG andKerosene.
Thromde Water Billing 1.0.7
This App will be used by water meter readersto read the meter and get the print with the updatesimulteanousely
Thromde Services Plus 1.0.15
To make mobile payment to Thimphu Thromde for various services
Thromde Space Booking 0.0.7
This App will allow the PUBLIC to book thespaces around Thimphu Thromde and hoisting of Banners
GPMS App 0.0.9
This app for government officials tofacilitate convenient access to view and monitor APAs.This app is designed to facilitate the officials of the RGoB tokeep track and submit issues with regard to their respectiveagencies APA. With this the concerned officials can easily view thestatus of their respective APAs for issues raising and seekingfurther directives to achieve their targets.The main pupose of this app will be to aid the concern governmentofficials to access their APAs, help them monitor, report, raiseand flag any issues for support from the Government without havingto log on to the actual GPMS web application.The GPMS APA App features:i. APA Issue reporting,ii. Track APA target status,iii. View brief APA budget information,iv. Provide reminder alerts of pertinent issues related toAPAThis app was developed by G2C Office under the Prime MinistersOffice of Bhutan in collaboration with Governance PerformanceManagement Division, “In pursuit of Improving Public ServiceDelivery”.Governance Performance Management DivisionOffice of the PM & CSThimphu, BhutanPhone: +975-2-336667www.cabinet.gov.bt
Dzongkha Dictionary 0.0.4
The app consists of majormonolingual(Dzongkha) and bilingual (Dzongkha-English andEnglish-Dzongkha)dictionaries of the Dzongkha DevelopmentCommission. This givesaccess to the Dzongkha dictionaries on thefingertips unlike thetraditional bulky printed dictionaries.Dzongkha Development commission is the premier institute inthecountry mandated to develop and promote Dzongkha, theNationalLanguage of Bhutan.The vision of the commission is to make Dzongkha the mainmediumof communication for every Bhutanese in order to promoteharmony,cohesion and stability in the country.With advancement of technology and Bhutan's aim of creatingICTenabled society, to promote Dzongkha through ICT is one oftheobjectives of the commission and with increasing number ofsmartphone users and mobile phone penetration outpacing the othermeansof communication in the country, promoting Dzongkha throughmobilephones is seen to be one of the most effectivestrategies.This 3 in 1 dictionary app is developed to give easy accesstoDzongkha dictionaries of the Dzongkha Development Commissionandencourages Bhutanese to use Dzongkha as main mediumofcommunication in their day-to-day life.Except for installation, Internet is not required to use theapp.Users can search for words both in English and Dzongkha. Intheresult, part of speech and meaning of the word searched willbedisplayed. Compatible Dzongkha supported multilingual keyboardmustbe installed to be able to search in Dzongkha.This app was developed by Dzongkha Development Commissionincollaboration with G2C Office under the Prime Ministers OfficeofBhutan, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”.
Dzongkha for kids 0.0.6
This app uses audios, visuals, games andquizes for kids to learn the following with correct spelling andpronunciation:1. Dzongkha alphabets2. Basic combination of consonants and vowels3. Numbers4. Days of the week5. Colors6. Basic Dzongkha words of different categories.Dzongkha Development commission is the premier institute in thecountry mandated to develop and promote Dzongkha, the NationalLanguage of Bhutan.The vision of the commission is to make Dzongkha the main medium ofcommunication for every Bhutanese in order to promote harmony,cohesion and stability in the country.With advancement of technology and Bhutan's aim of creating ICTenabled society, to promote Dzongkha through ICT is one of theobjectives of the commission and with increasing number of smartphone users and mobile phone penetration outpacing the other meansof communication in the country, promoting Dzongkha through mobilephones is seen to be one of the most effective strategies.As most of the children are fond of smart phones and as they learnfrom it, Dzongkha for kids app has been developed so that ourchildren grow up with Dzongkha in their mind .Except for installation, internet is not required to use theapp.There are 20 different categories and most of the categories has 3different sections: learn, play and quiz sections.In the learn section, pictures, sounds, letters, numbers, colorsetc. are used for the children to learn.Play section will help the users remember what they have learned inthe learn section.The quiz section will facilitate users to test how much they havelearned.This app was developed by Dzongkha Development Commission incollaboration with G2C Office under the Prime Ministers Office ofBhutan, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery” forenthusiastic Dzongkha learners.Dzongkha Development CommissionRGoB, Kawajangsa,Thimphu, BhutanPhone: +975-2-322662Email: [email protected]: www.dzongkha.gov.bt
Dzongkha Competency Test App 0.0.3
This interactive Dzongkha App will help userassess their Dzongkha competency and learn from their weaknesses.An interactive app to self-test Dzongkha competency will helpthe users learn from their weaknesses. The app consists ofobjective questions on various topics of Dzongkha grammar,spelling, honorifics and numbers.Dzongkha Development commission is the premier institute in thecountry mandated to develop and promote Dzongkha, the NationalLanguage of Bhutan.The vision of the commission is to make Dzongkha the main mediumof communication for every Bhutanese in order to promote harmony,cohesion and stability in the country.With advancement of technology and Bhutan's aim of creating ICTenabled society, to promote Dzongkha through ICT is one of theobjectives of the commission and with increasing number of smartphone users and mobile phone penetration outpacing the other meansof communication in the country, promoting Dzongkha through mobilephones is seen to be one of the most effective strategies.Grammar being one of the backbone of any language, this app isdeveloped for the users to be able to test their Dzongkha grammarand learn from the mistakes. To encourage people to use Dzongkha intheir daily communciation, the app also facilitates users toremember spelling of some of the most confusing daily used Dzongkhawords, honorific forms and numbers.Except for installation, internet is not required to use theapp.The app consists of 260 objective questions covering 13 differenttopics.The test can be taken either topic wise or level wise.A topic consists of 20 objective questions and there are 13different topics.A level consists of 13 objective questions and there are 20 levelsin total.Next level will be unlocked only upon completing the previouslevel.The correct answers with explanations for the questions whichare answered wrong are displayed at the end of the quiz along withthe scores .This app was developed by Dzongkha Development Commission incollaboration with G2C Office under the Prime Ministers Office ofBhutan, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery” forenthusiastic Dzongkha learners.Dzongkha Development CommissionRGoB, Kawajangsa,Thimphu, BhutanPhone: +975-2-322662Email: [email protected]: www.dzongkha.gov.bt
Tax Info App 0.0.10
This app is for searching TPN, BTC getnotification and user notice from DRC.The vision of the Deparment of Revenue & Customs is tocontribute to the nation building process through the developmentof an effective revenue system.This app was developed by G2C Office under the Prime MinistersOffice of Bhutan in collaboration with Department of Revenue &Customs, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”.Department of Revenue and CustomsMinistry of FinanceThimphu, BhutanPhone: +975-2-322319 / 333509www.drc.gov.bt
mPower Youth 0.0.3
This app provides guidance and counselingforyouth with issues upon registering. The user can alsoobtaininformation on youth related news, events, and announcementswiththis app related to youth programmes, sports, job vacancy,trainingetc...This app was developed by G2C Office under the PrimeMinistersOffice of Bhutan in collaboration with Department of Youth&Sports, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”forenthusiastic Dzongkha learners.
G2C Bhutan 0.0.1
The App is developed by G2C Bhutan
Druk Trace 3.1
Bhutan's COVID Contact Tracing
DBS - Druk Business Services 3.0
Provides information on the shops and stocks of essential items.
Desuung App 1.1.2
This mobile app is for event management during the times ofdisasterand while on voluntary services.
Disaster Management System
mRSTA 2.0.2
View/Update Driver license & Vehicle ownership details &avail online services
DDC Dictionary 2.0.1
Bilingual Dzongkha (Bhutanese) English dictionary.
pThromPay 0.0.8
This app is to provide additional channels and features todeliverbetter services by Phuentsholing Thromde and to make paymentmoreconvenient and easy for the citizens. With the app, spotwatermeter reading and billing will be implemented and citizenswill beable to pay water bills and property taxes convenientlyfromanywhere without having to visit the Thromde office.
Quick Access to Laws and Rules
Druk Zakar 1
Is it a good day or a bad one? Find out with the Druk Zakar App.
epest surveillance
to compile and share real-time information on pests of Agriculturalcrops
Bhutan Tax - BETA 1.2
Taxpayers would be able to submit their business tax returns viatheapp without having to come in contact with a tax collector.Uponverification by the concerned agency on the self-declaredtaxreturns submitted, the taxpayer would be notified in the BETAappto make the tax payment. However, the tax payment would bedonethrough digital payment solutions provided by the Banks inBhutan.The taxpayer would be able to access the link to avail theTaxClearance Certificate through BETA and also access contactdetailsof the Regional Revenue and Customs office.
Bhutan Weather App
eKaasel 0.0.1
It is a platform for citizens to submit feedback orgrievancesrelated to public services.
Check Post Management System
TTCMS 9.0.1
Thimphu Thromde Complaint Management
Druk Counselor App 1.0
The DCA application is a tool for counselors in Bhutan to assessandscreen
Druk OneMap 1.0
Druk OneMap is to guide visitor in locating popular trek route
Druk OneMap 1.0
Druk OneMap is to guide visitor in locating popular trek route
Bhutan Blood4Life 1.0
Enables Bhutanese people to donate and receive blood.
Access2Care Bhutan 1.0.0
Assess your HIV risk and get tested. It’s all confidential.
Druk Speed Test 0.0.6
Durk Speed Test for testing network activity
Dairy Info 5.0.0
App for NDRDC and DoL staff
LaYog 0.0.1
This app will cater to Bhutanese market jobseekers and employers.
eDATS 1.0.0
Electronic Daily Allowance and Travel System
GTPay 0.1.0
Gelephu Thromde Spot Billing App
BhSL : Bhutanese Sign Language 1.0.5
The Bhutanese Sign Language (BhSL) app is aimed at helpinguserslearn BhSL
ZW Bhutan 1.2.0
Zero Waste Bhutan
Bhutan Weather 1.0.0
Weather app for Bhutan